
Career Coaching for Migrants

One of Worldly Migration’s edge is that we cater your services to our client’s unique circumstances. If you’re lucky enough to secure an employment with an Australian business, Worldly Migration can assist you with all your documentation and application from the very start, until your visa grant.


If, however, you are still looking for that golden employment opportunity in Australia, Worldly Migration offers career coaching for migrants sessions that are tailored to your particular field, profession and/or employee skills. We can coach and guide you on how to apply for jobs, when to apply for them, and where to apply for them so that you can secure employment in Australia faster.


In this session, you will be provided with a One Hour Career Coaching Session that is specifically designed to help migrants and foreign workers increase their chances of being employed by Australian businesses, and coach you on the pathway to take for a desirable career outcome. This is especially beneficial for migrant workers, who will be provided with insights on how their career choices will align with Migration Law and what options for employment will be of most benefit.


Worldly Migration, in partnership with a Business Coach for Temporary Resident will offer this one-hour mentoring session on your employment prospects, by career assessments, and giving an overview of the Australian businesses at large, what they require, what they look for in applicants, and tap your potential for employability and have a walk-through of that pathway to employment and career road map with you.


This one-hour session will include a discussion on how to draft your CV and cover letter. Worldly Migration has a resident professional resume and cover letter expert, who has is keen to share industry tips and insight into what employers look for in today’s competitive climate and offer pointers as to how to communicate your true strengths and unique value as an employee and how to showcase the applicant’s skills and values to a prospective employer.

“He is full of innovative ideas and is extremely easy-going, and very professional in providing me with future career suggestions.”

Lin- Career Coaching Client

Result Achieved – Secured full-time employment

Worldly Migration has an extensive background in assisting Migrants with this process, and Evan Bishop, in particular, will share his specific expertise and professional experience in migrant recruitment (since 2012) to give you the best possible techniques for potential success.

Evan Bishop career coaching photo

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Do you need quality and reliable migration services?


“With a wealth of experience, I provide unique and cost-effective migration solutions tailored to every situation. If engaged with my services, I will make myself fully available to you with afterhours and weekend appointments and discussions if needed. My services are available across Australia and the world, including the following core areas: Melbourne, Ringwood, Dandenong, and Lilydale.

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