
The best way to get PR = Decisiveness

The best way to get PR = Decisiveness

How do I get PR in Australia? Decisiveness. Yes, it’s a big word, but how do these 12 letters help me get permanent residency in such a competitive system? Well, if you conduct yourself in a way which is more competitive than the average PR seeker, then you are setting yourself up for a more deserving outcome.

Typical pathways that experts will suggest to gain to more points in the Skills Select system include higher English level, applying for Professional Year if possible as well as NAATI where applicable. However, if you start with a decisive mindset before you even start your journey, you will be able to squeeze more points along the way and not be caught short on your visa deadline.

It is a highly competitive ranking system, in which you are ranked for points in some aspects you cannot change such as your age. The system is about to get even more competitive than ever, with the Coalition Government announcing they want to cap permanent visas from 190,000 to 160,000.

So what is decisiveness and how can it help me? The Oxford Dictionary defines decisiveness as ‘the ability to make decisions quickly and effectively.’ By starting your pathway to PR quickly and effectively, you are doing everything possible to lead in front of your peers and include yourself into the mix ahead of them.  

For some reading this article, time is against you and it is too late to be decisive. However for others, here are two major areas of the Points Test you can introduce your decisive mindset into:

ENGLISH LEVEL: Often I talk to temporary residents who have great points already based on age, overseas experience, and other areas blessing them with high points, with improved English capability being enough to lock them in to get an invitation. Unfortunately, they procrastinate spending the money on a PTE or IELTS coach, do not put the emphasis on learning, and underestimate the turnover time between booking in for the test and actually having enough time to get the invitation in time before their visa expiry.

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